A Conscious Humanity
A Conscious Humanity
Morality, Freedom & Natural Law
To know when an existing system is coming to the end of its life you need to analyse the fundamentals on which that system has been built. You need to identify that the foundations of that system have exhausted all the different ways in which it can support the system, which is then ready to collapse.
This book provides you with the insight that the way society has been created and developed is entering its final stage. From total control over the population, wich was established through the brutal treatment of people, we are now returning to a total control system, exerted onto people via willing submission. The book shows you where to look for the signs and how to identify the real foundations on which society is built.
The other thing this book offers you is a blueprint for a new type of society. Each individual can make a substantial contribution to the formation of a new model for a society that is no longer about dominance. It hands you the tools to begin growing your own group model as the foundation of a new way for people to interact.
Invaliable information to shine a bright light on the past and to start shaping the future.
Available in paperback - ISBN 9789082785449 - Price: £14.99
Available in ebook - ISBN 9789082785456 - Price: £9.99
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